Tuesday, December 20, 2011


four days of my life. I have never been so happy to spend four days straight with my fiancé. Usually we can't do it without arguing, and for once it has been relaxing and amazing (besides me having to work the last couple nights)!!!  It has been so nice to just go do whatever with him, shopping, going out to eat, movies, laying on the couch watching movies & tv shows. I know it is so stupid, but it is the BEST birthday/christmas present I could have ever asked for. Makes me remember why I love him so much to start out with. It is nice that we can just stay home and be perfectly content, or go out or do anything. I am a very lucky girl to have such a great guy in my life.

Not to brag, but he made up for not having something for me on my birthday and bought me two pairs of jeans (which is AMAZING cause i have 0 pairs) & a white tank that I can wear under my work shirts cause otherwise everyone sees more than they should. & on top of it, he got me a $100 gift card to go back and get whatever else I want or need on a day that I don't feel as rushed (he thinks I feel rushed when we go shopping together).

I am honestly one happy girl. AND he is asking me what I want for christmas, and I feel horrible because I can not come up with something because i am honestly perfectly happy with what i already have and just having he and i falling back to how we used to be before things got to what they were. I am much happier. I hope he is too.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Because we ALL need a laugh

Dear Wife:

I'm writing you this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you forever. I've been a good man to you for seven years and I have nothing to show for it.

These last two weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today and that was the last straw.

Last week, you came home and didn't even notice that I had a new haircut, had cooked your favourite meal and even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in two minutes, and went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don't tell me you love me anymore; you don't want sex or anything that connects us as husband and wife.

Either you're cheating on me or you don't love me anymore; whatever the case, I'm gone.

Your EX-Husband

Don't try to find me. Your SISTER and I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!

Dear Ex-Husband -
Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It's true that you and I have been married for seven years, although a good man is a far cry from what you've been.
I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining and griping. Too bad that doesn't work.
I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the first thing that came to mind was 'You look just like a girl!' Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can't say something nice, I didn't comment.

And when you cooked my favourite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MYSISTER, because I stopped eating pork seven years ago.

About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the £49.99 price tag was still on them, and I prayed that it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed fifty quid from me that morning.

3 years ago
After all of this, I still loved you and felt that we could work it out. So when I hit the lottery for ten million pounds, I quit my job and bought us two tickets to Jamaica. But when I got home you were gone. Everything happens for a reason, I guess.

I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won't get a penny from me. So take care.


Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell and Free!

P.S. I don't know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that's not a problem.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Honesty & Truth is hard to find.

I have realized that I am never quite sure what to title my posts or where to even start with them. I always feel lost. I know what I want to talk about but I guess it is just hard to try to title it.

So with this being Thanksgiving week it has brought about a lot of thoughts and feelings. First and foremost, I am so blessed to have such an amazing family and group of friends. They have ALWAYS been there, and my true friends know who they are and could tell you where I currently work or what I am doing. There are people that try to say we are "best friends" and maybe in their eyes we are, but I feel time has drifted us apart and it is time to go our separate ways. My true friends, I love you guys & appreciate all that you have done for me and all of the times you have been there to pick me up when I have fallen. As far as my family, they are my rock. I would be lost without them and have been so blessed to have them in my life and that they have always been there for me No Matter what has happened and what mistakes I have made. I am truly blessed with everyone and everything I have and am so thankful for those that make the effort and those that bust their behinds day in and day out to provide me with the amazing life I have been so fortunate to grow up with.

As far as my fiancé goes, my heart goes out to him around the holidays this year. As much as he won't admit it, it is killing him inside and is breaking my heart. I hate to see how everything is happening and as much as I might complain about his family (thinking back to previous posts), I would give the world for everything to be okay and fixed with them, just for his sake. It absolutely breaks my heart. As long as I have been around, I feel there has always been a disconnect between the siblings at the holiday gatherings but everyone has set aside their differences for the kids, Mom & Dad, and just to have a good time with the family since it happens only two times a year. This year is completely different. Its upsetting, heartbreaking, and just horrible. His brother and sister-in-law have more less destroyed the family, but as well a bit falls back on his parents (and I know if he reads this he will probably be mad at me... but I guess I'm the one to always say the truth).  Their drug abuse has ruined them, completely destroyed them and everything they have including their kids they have lost. Their oldest boy together doesn't want anything to do with them, their oldest daughter isn't far off, and the youngest girl is too young to understand what is going on (yet I think she does but she's a mommy/daddys girl). They have robbed everyone in the family including myself,  and have even planned on doing a home invasion on their Grandfather (whose wife passed away earlier this year) & stated they didn't care if he was there and knew exactly what they wanted to take. They lost their home and chose to sell food stamps and everything they own for that one quick fix that then turned into a self destruction downward spiral. They are completely mental, and have destroyed their brain and the cross between reality and fantasy. In the process, they have moved back into his parents house and completely destroyed them in many ways. As well, they have brought down the whole family in the process. No one wants to stand up for them, and just wants to protect the parents, since it seems the parents can't do it for themselves. Yet at the end of the day, after the cops make the two leave, the parents let them right back in.

For Thanksgiving this year, his family held the meal at his sisters home instead of his parents. None of the siblings or grandkids were going, just the sister who was cooking and the parents. My fiancé and I were going to go, we felt bad for one, and second he wanted to see his parents because since we moved he has not seen them & neither of us like going over since the two people on drugs live there. The day before Thanksgiving we found out that still none of the kids were going, but they reason they weren't going is because his brother and sister-in-law were going. Which this ended up with us not going either and trying to come up with an excuse without hurting his parents feelings by telling them the real reason. I feel like they have chosen the two on drugs over the rest of the kids (meaning my fiancé and his sisters). It absolutely kills him because of the fact that they adopted him and took him in when he as a baby and now that he can't even go around them because of the situation. We both are angry at his parents, and just recently the sister-in-law spit in his moms face and hit her and pushed her down. As sympathetic as I am trying to feel.... its just not working well since they continually let them come back. So all of this is leading to Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for what you have, for who is in your life, for the blessings you have been given, and things you have accomplished and overcome  to get to where you are, for the men and women -past, present, & future- that have fought for our country and our freedom, and many many other things. So this Thanksgiving has me thinking & there is one part that I am stuck on. Which I guess makes sense since my fiancee says I am quite the negative person. I am thankful for so many things, but trying to be thankful along the lines of his family... I am stuck. Do I be thankful that the druggies are alive, since it is honestly insane that they are after all they pump their bodies full of? Do I be thankful that they havn't killed their kids, Mom & Dad, or anyone else YET? Tomorrow is a different story... How do I be thankful for two people that have completely destroyed a family, ruined lives, hurt many people, & much more? The only thing I am thankful for with them is the fact that they have three beautiful kids & that I am hoping and praying are not destroyed by what their parents have put them through and exposed them to.

Moving on, I have recently, as in the past week, started a new job. So this means I currently have two jobs and go to school full time. Which is driving me crazy. and I have no free time ever...

Thursday, November 17, 2011


funny moment when you realize you will never grow up & look at yourself as an adult. lol

Oh and when your friend & you are texting during class about someones work and you actually lol out loud. priceless (exsp. when the WHOLE class looks at you)

the end.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Just a thought...

I want to solidify as an artist and show that as I grow as a person and make mistakes and learn from them, I'm going to grow artistically.

So what does this say to you?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

If life gives you lemons.....

stick them down your shirt and make your boobs look bigger :]

I have come to realize things are not ever easy. In the past month I have really been through a lot and as my mom said, "God wouldn't throw all this at you if you couldn't handle it. He obviously has big plans for you and needs you to be strong and stand through anything thrown at you." The amazing thing is that every time my Mom has said this to me, it has always proven to be true. So I am curious & very afraid of what life changing or crazy experience is going to be thrown at me...

ON a funny/amazing note:

Having friends is one of the greatest things and true friends are even better.

A friend said:
"Other ppl notice! They just don't say it, which is rude. Its like if you made a really great meal and everyone asked for second helpings but no one said how great your boobs looked. Its like that."

Thursday, October 6, 2011


"Happiness isn't always big, sometimes its really really small, you just have to keep a lookout for it and grab it, cuz otherwise it will just pass you by."

I have realized that I need to take time out of my day and sit back and take in everything. Just take a deep breath and be thankful for the friends and family that have been brought into my life. I don't think I quite treat people as well as I should, and want to change that and be a better person. I want to be less stressed and have a better outlook on everything, not so negative. Its hard to be completely positive all the time when I feel like life is throwing me lemons and I am clueless on how to make lemonade with them. Or its raining cats and dogs  literally and every single one falls on me crushing me..... How do you completely change how you think to be positive and get back to the cheerful bubbly person I really am? 
I have been so inspired by how my friends and family have handled situation that they have been put in that it inspires me to be a better person, to treat people better, to have a better respect for myself and gain confidence, and just overall make an big improvement. 

People that make the effort, make you smile, and show that they genuinely care and are there for you. THOSE are real friends & they are hard to find. Once you find one (or two) DONT ever let them go. It says something when I am afraid to graduate because I won't get to see them every day or talk to them all the time like we have done for 3 or 4 years.... I don't want that change in our routine, of meeting at our cars all parked next to each other between classes, or making coffee runs, or walking to classes together. Those are the things that I love and just the fact that they are always there for me, even when things get tough and we all want to kill each other. At the end of the day, I know they will be my friends & I owe them everything for that.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Naked Dodge Ball

I had a strangely crazy dream last night..

Anyone up for some Naked Dodge Ball??? Somehow amidst all that happened I come up with a literally all night dream of naked dodge ball. Not always the hottest bodies to see naked but the rules made absolutely NO sense!!!!! Thee are the regular balls and then there is the email balls.big ones are like regular didgeball. The small ones if you were hit by one then you take off something white.BUT if everyone is already naked what is there to take off!!! Idk it made no sense but I loved it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ducks and Zebra Print

Have you ever noticed how much u realize about yourself without actually realizing it? I kind of feel like its one of those things that walks by turns around cusses you out and slaps you in the face for it. And not only that its like were all so dumb that if something is perfectly spelled out like d o g means dog we still look at it like "Uhhh I don't get it"!!!!! Why is the human race so oblivious to everything going on? For once id like to meet a person that is so brutally honest about themselves that im taken back by it and caught off guard.

My honest and best example : "Hi my names Megan and I am overweight because I'm addicted to food and it 'fixes' everything for me." If someone would just approach me in a way like that I sware id be so happy. I know im a bitchy person and may not always have the best attitude but I'm so tired of people sugar coating thongs (things courtesy of my phone auto correcting) in order to not hurt someones feelings. Like younger kids these days, 12 year old girls sleeping around and having threesomes is NOT cute. It shows a lack in responsibility on the parents part and face the facts, makes that girl slutty, a hoe, and all the other names kids use in higher age groups to classify one that jumps from bed to bed. Nothing is different but people still act like everything is okay I know I went on a tangent BUT what I was getting at is I know I have always been a little to honest and its not always been the best idea. However I feel like I am more outspoken about things moreso now regardless of peoples emotions. Almost like I went "numb" to how people feel I guess.........

And on that note I will let you go, but does anyone realize random things about themselves like this because I so feel like I am the only one sometimes.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just a Start......

Alrite! Sooooo this is obviously my first post and I am a little lost at where to start. I feel there is so many directions that I can take my blog, complaining about drama going on around me, realizations and things i have learned since moving out and pretty much "doing it on my own", art based, and i don't know...... There is like a thousand more directions I could take it. So while I am trying to figure out what direction I want to take this, I am  going to start out with a few links...

Dear Sophie is an ad for Google Chrome, and although I have not used the product or website, whatever it is.... I am absolutely in love with this video advertisement. I think it is such a great idea and would super like to give props to the Creative Director and everyone that took part in making it. I think it is something that would super cute/cool to do for my kids (whenever i have them).

Leo Burnett is an Advertising Creative that I am currently researching. His website is actually really nice, well put together, interesting, but has a LOT of white space-which I love. One of his videos for Canon, I really like the color and just everything about it.  I like the intro, the (i believe) flash animation on the pages and such. Pretty nice. I really like how clean his website and work is. Well organized but simple. :]