Thursday, January 26, 2012


You know. When things are hard, you get that call from an old friend that is going through the same problems as you and it is nice to have someone there that completely understands everything you are going through and can relate. It is nice.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Thankful 2011 is in the past and done with!
 2012 is a new year so new goals that I actually want to meet.

SO I am always brutally honest about everyone  BUT myself so I guess the first step is admitting the truth.

GOAL 1: Graduate from school
GOAL 2: Get a GOOD job
GOAL 3: Loose close to 40 or 50 pounds. (Truth is I am 180 pounds-may not look like it but the scale doesn't lie)

Time to LaceUp & do this.